
The Best Leaders...,

I’ve always been intrigued by leaders, coaches and teams that use the phrase “Surrounded By The Best!” You would think this would be an obvious or natural response for all leaders “I Want To Be Surrounded By The Best!” The reality is that many leaders desire to be the best and surround themselves with mediocrity.

The word best is an illusive term; however it’s defined as – being of the highest quality, excellence, the best work, desirable etc. With that definition in mind, a leader should always strive for the best. It’s also important for leaders to understand that they are ultimately responsible for developing their team to be the best.

If you look at sports teams that have a tradition of winning and being the best, you will find a head coach that surrounds himself with the best assistant coaches in the business. You will also find a program where everyone in the country is trying to recruit and hire those assistant coaches. Why? It’s simple, just as the definition states: they are high quality, desirable and the best.



Link to the article: The Best Leaders Surround Themselves With The Best is a post from: Big Is The New Small