
Lies About Abortion...

I used to work in a deli/cafe as a sandwich maker. A friend and coworker of mine was in a bad relationship at the time, got pregnant and decided to get an abortion. I tried to talk her out of it, but her situation was just too overwhelming. She got the abortion. As I look back, I can't help but think of the position of my friend. It wasn't an easy thing to find yourself with child by a guy who didn't love you. It wasn't an easy thing to find yourself unsupported and having to decide whether or not to end a pregnancy. It wasn't an easy thing to find yourself dealing with feelings of loneliness, despair, turmoil, fear ~ and anger, too. The conclusion: It's real people who grapple over the abortion issue. It's real people who need to be loved and cared for, talked to and pointed to a better way. I hope the following list is a tiny step in that direction...

Link to bible study: 7 Lies About Abortionvia A Heart For God by Pastor Mike on 4/23/10

7 Lies About Abortion:

#1: The 6th commandment does not prohibit abortion. (Exodus 20:13)
#2: You can be a Christian and be "pro-choice."
#3: That thing in the womb is not a human being.
#4: Abortion is not murder.
#5: A woman is not traumatized by the experience.
#6: There is not a tremendous sense of guilt that follows.
#7: God can not forgive you if you've had one.

"If we confess our sins, He (Christ) is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

"'Come to Me (Jesus), all who are weary and heavy-laden (with guilt and sin), and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you (walk in obedience to my life-enriching instructions) and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.'"


Book: The Six Days of Genesis

Book Description June 15, 2007

Dig in to the book of Genesis, verse-by-verse. This expository study of early Genesis, by British author Paul Taylor, is a reader-friendly journey from the creation of the primeval world to the Table of Nations. Written for the serious student, and perfect for pastors and lay leaders, this verse-by-verse study promotes the view that Genesis is literal history and can be defended from modern attacks from evolutionists. In recent years, conservative Christian thinkers have become alarmed at the erosion of biblical teaching, even in many seminaries across America and Britain. Taylor's book is a fresh, much-needed resource for teaching prospective clergy and professors, who will in turn teach the masses.

Book: The Six Days of Genesis: A Scientific Appreciation of Chapters 1-11 : Paul Taylor: Books http://amzn.to/LuZ4fH


¿Que de la leyes del matrimonio EU y las elecciones presidenciales 2012?

Santorum lo intentó y, aunque por un tiempo pareció salirse con la suya, al final la realidad de los votos le dejó fuera de la carrera presidencial. En un año marcado por la economía, los candidatos va a hablar podo de otras cuestiones (el aborto, el matrimonio,…).
La última encuesta del Pew Research Forum indica que el 86% de los votantes registrados dicen que la economía será muy importante para decidir su voto, mientras que el 84% afirman que lo será el paro. Con estos datos parece que la única posibilidad de que Obama pierda es un empeoramiento de la economía significativo y percibido como tal.
Con respecto al pasado, hay cuestionas más valoradas y otras menos:
El déficit federal ha ganado importancia: era importante para el 55% de los votantes en 2004, luego subió al 69% en 2008 y ahora se sitúa en el 74%. Más economía.


Los votantes republicanos, en cambio, están realmente sensibilizados con el déficit: el 37% decían en 2004 que era muy importante; en 2008 ya eran el 61%… ¡y en 2012 son el 86%!
En cambio, el porcentaje de votantes republicanos para los la cuestión del matrimonio homosexual es muy importante ha caído 13 puntos desde 2004, pasando del 49% al 36%. La batalla por la familia natural en Estados Unidos no se está ganando.

"Sea el matrimonio honroso en todos, y el lecho matrimonial sin mancilla, porque a los inmorales y a los adúlteros los juzgará Dios." (Hebreos 13:4)

Enlace de lectura de articulo:  ¿Qué les preocupa a los norteamericanos de cara a las elecciones presidenciales?:

h/t: Fundación Burke Publicado en Intereconomía


Sometimiento Piadoso en el Matrimonio -Video


Uploaded by FancirAlcala on Oct 20, 2011

El pasado 16 de Octubre se celebro en la primera Iglesia Bautista de Newport News, un servicio conjunto, en el que se unieron las congregaciones americana e hispana.
El Pastor Senior Dale Seley, acompagnado por el Pastor del Ministerio Hispano, Juan Garcia, dieron a los presentes un interesante y necesario mensaje sobre las verdades del matrimonio, basado en Efesios 5: 21-33.


Becoming a Godly Woman- Joyce Rogers on Vimeo

VCY Rally - Joyce Rogers from VCY America TV on Vimeo.
Joyce Rogers, husband of the late Adrian Rogers of Love Worth Finding, spoke to women at the Waukesha Expo Center on becoming a Godly Woman.
Link to Video: VCY Rally - Joyce Rogers on Vimeo


¿Cómo debe vestirse una mujer cristiana?

Si preguntamos a un creyente cuál es el criterio que debemos usar a la hora de seleccionar nuestra vestimenta, el criterio del mundo o el de Dios, seguramente el cristiano dirá sin titubeos que el criterio de Dios. Pero si preguntamos a ese mismo creyente cuál es ese criterio, es muy probable que no sepa qué responder o que su respuesta descanse a final de cuentas en sus gustos, preferencias y opiniones personales antes que en la Escritura.

Continue la lectura...

Enlace de lectura: ¿Cómo debe vestirse una mujer cristiana?:

© Por Sugel Michelén. Todo Pensamiento Cautivo. Usted puede reproducir y distribuir este material, siempre que sea sin fines de lucro, sin alterar su contenido y reconociendo su autor y procedencia.


A.W. Tozer: A Passion for God

A Passion for GodA.W. Tozer is a man whose ministry has long fascinated me. A man who held closely to biblical, Protestant theology, he was also a man who loved the old Catholic mystics. He had little formal education, yet had the ability to hold the most educated of men and women at rapt attention. He had a single-minded devotion to Christ and the highest respect for the Scriptures. Reading A Passion for God has only increased my fascination with him, for here we see more strange and seemingly irreconcilable opposites. Biographer Lyle Dorsett has written a study of the man that deals as honestly with his faults as with the areas that are laudable. And in this case the faults are almost shocking.
Tozer was a man who loved Scripture and loved nothing more than preaching its truths to all who would listen. “A.W. Tozer heralded biblical truth. He loved the Bible and unflinchingly preached what he believed people needed to hear, regardless of what they wanted.” Yet he was a man who neglected the mission field in his home. “On and off over the years, Aiden exercised his role as head of the family by encouraging times of family devotions. These never lasted more than a few weeks. As one son explained, the children just did not want it and they were seldom all together for extended periods in any case.”
Tozer was a man who dedicated himself to reading, study and prayer and who delighted to be in the presence of God.

 Book Review: A.W. Tozer: A Passion for God: at  http://www.challies.com


El liderazgo cristiano

Enlace de Video: El liderazgo cristiano: "En los Grupos Bíblicos Universitarios de Barcelona invitaron a Jaume Llenas, pastor y secretario general de la Alianza Evangélica Española al Campamento de Líderes 2010, del 24 al 26 de Septiembre.

A partir de los ejemplos de los personajes bíblicos, Timoteo y Moisés, Jaume reflexiona sobre como debería ser nuestro liderazgo cristiano en las diferentes situaciones de nuestra vida.

1ª Conferencia basada en la vida de Timoteo

2ª Conferencia basada en la vida de Moisés

Descarga la conferencia acerca de Timoteo pulsando aquí y la de Moisés pulsando en este otro enlace.

Enlace de visitad Gbubcn para más información vía- http://evangelicabailen.blogspot.com/

No Scripture, No Christ

Link to article: No Scripture, No Christ