
Discerniento en la Predicación

Le ha llamado Dios al ministerio? Aunque todos los cristianos están llamados a servir a la causa de Cristo, Dios llama a algunas personas para servir a la Iglesia como pastores y otros ministros. Escribiendo al joven Timoteo, el apóstol Pablo confirmó que si un hombre aspira a ser un pastor, “buena obra desea hacer..” [I Timoteo 3:1] Asimismo, es un gran honor ser llamado por Dios al ministerio de la Iglesia. ¿Cómo sabes si Dios te está llamando?
Enlace de Lectura:  ¿Le Ha Llamado Dios? Discerniendo el Llamado a Predicar  Por Albert Mohler viernes, julio 19, 2013


Merry Epiphany! The Three Kings

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 Epiphany, introducing the season of Epiphany that lasts until Lent.  The different Sundays commemorate the “epiphanies” of Christ–that is, the revelations of who Jesus is.  First we mark the coming of the Wise Men (the revelation of Christ to the Gentiles); next Sunday we observe the Baptism of Jesus (when the voice from Heaven proclaimed, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased” [Matthew 3:17]); then His first miracle, then His acts of healing, then His acts of sovereignty over nature, culminating in the Transfiguration (when a voice from Heaven again says Him as “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him” (Matthew 17:5).  Then begins Lent, as Jesus goes to the Cross.

Link Study: Merry Epiphany!The Three Kings: See my other posts on this subject:  this and this.