

Uploaded by elbuenpastortv on Oct 29, 2010
El Origen Halloween tiene su origen en un culto llamado «Samhain» de los celtas de las islas británicas. La iglesia Catolica intento cristianisar esta celebracion, actualmente el 31 de octubre es la fecha mas impotante del calendario satanista.
Enlace Video: HISTORIA DEL HALLOWEEN – YouTube por elbuenpastortv


Waiting of the Third Great Awakening?

Are we in such a time of revival and awakening? Are we at such a time for the message of repentance and holiness to be sounded again from the pulpits of America without affection for fee or favor? Are we at such a time when the fierceness of His love and the fire of His holiness are being manifest and people's hearts are being flayed before Him in secret? Are we at such time when the sound of dancing in the distance and the muted song of the heralds is being heard—though it is muffled?

Link to Reading: Zechariah 1 Holds a Key to a Third Great Awakening por Rick Curry