
El Divorcio y el Segundo Matrimonio

  • ¿Cómo debe manejarse el tema del divorcio?
  • ¿Se justifica el divorcio en ciertos casos? ¿En cúales?
  • ¿Divorciarse es desobediencia a Dios?
  • ¿Usted que opina?

Enlace de Estudio :El Divorcio y el Segundo Matrimonio:  via http://cristianoapologetico.blogspot.com


Set On Fire for God!

Someone once asked Wesley how he was able to attract such large crowds with his preaching. Wesley responded, “I simply set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn.”

Link : Have You Set Yourself On Fire for God?: via http://www.blackchristiannews.com  by Crosswalk - Dan Miller,  48Days.com




List of the Most Read Books In The World

Top 10 Most Read Books in the World
How many of this list of 10 books have you read? Do you plan on reading any? Any surprises on the list?  Top 10 Most Read Books In The World is a post from: Big Is The New Small


Avivamiento: Método y Causa

Enlace Estudio:  ¿Qué es un avivamiento? http://ow.ly/rB34J (I) – Tim Keller | Descubriendo el Evangelio

Enlace Estudio:  Causas de un avivamiento (2) http://ow.ly/rB3iO – Tim Keller | Descubriendo el Evangelio


A Way to Start 2014!

1. Your divine spirit is meant to shine. Make no apologies for its brightness. Let it shine.

2. You are created as perfect, and your path is prepared and waiting for you in this moment. Dwell in the perfection of your imperfections.

3. Worry and fear are imagined. The reality is that there is nothing to fear. Release the past, be present, and create your magnificent future one moment at a time. Be where you are.


Link to Reading:10 Ways To Tap Into Joy http://www.coachcharrise.com/10-ways-to-tap-into-joy/  By On January 3, 2011