Link to Sermon: Ed Young Warns Against Drinking 'Culture's Cool-Aid' in Sermon Series on Marriage, Sexuality By Stoyan Zaimov , Christian Post Reporter- June 1, 2012|9:22 am
“…porque ejemplo os he dado para que, como yo os he hecho, vosotros también hagáis.” San Juan 13:15
As long as a train stays on the track!
I. Introduction: After salvation, many Christians intend to live godly lives, but oftentimes, something unexpected happens. Perhaps discouragement, personal problems, or old habits lead them astray. When we’re born again, we begin new lifestyles that are different from those we previously knew. In fact, the Bible describes each of us as “a new creature” in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). However, unless we understand how the Christian life works, we can’t live the way God desires.
God has planned for us can be likened to railroad tracks. As long as a train stays on the track, it’ll keep moving and eventually arrive at its destination. The same can be said of believers. Our paths are composed of several basic principles we can follow to experience the God’s best.
Link to the complete outline: Staying on Track
Predicando con autoridad - YouTube
Uploaded by lumbrera2 on Nov 24, 2011
Conferencia de pastores del año 2009
Grace Community Church [GTY.ORG]
Grace Community Church [GTY.ORG]
Link to Video: Albert Mohler: Predicando con autoridad - YouTube
media y el evangelio
¿Nuestra Misión como ______?
Enlace de Video: "Nuestra Misión como Evangelistas" IEG Dr. David ...:
Dr. Miguel Nuñez 51:11. Watch Later Error "ID" ¡¡Porque Fuisteis Llamados!! Dr. Miguel Nuñezby ...
Video-10 min
Llamados a ser hombres
Are we more radical or retired?
Are we neither hot nor cold? Lukewarm? Are we going to be spit out?Are we falling prey to the heretical teaching of our modern culture, torn from the pages of the Gospel According to Lukewarm?[...]continue...
Link to the reading: The Gospel According to Lukewarm Posted on February 25, 2012 by Michael K. Reynolds
Liderazgo y un Conserje
Enlace de Lectura: Lecciones De Liderazgo De Un Conserje. Serafin Contreras Galeano por Serafin Contreras Galeano
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