
Misión Suicida - Video

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     Enlace: Predicación es comunicación en forma de discurso...., por Todo Pensamiento Cautivo

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The Troubled Souls of Pastors

via Acts 29 Blog on 7/26/10

Troubled Souls and Pastors
By Scott Thomas, President, Acts 29 Network

Pastors are often overwhelmed with ministry. I am concerned for their souls. I spoke last week to the widow of a pastor who committed suicide recently. It
was sobering. She said that he didn't just come home one day and explode. Instead, she said, "his soul faded out slowly-just like the song by Casting Crowns:"

  • It's a slow fade when you give yourself away

  • It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray

  • Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid

  • When you give yourself away

  • People never crumble in a day 

Indicators of a Troubled Soul:

  • Minimal longing for Jesus
  • Minimal joy and gladness
  • Minimal dependence on God
  • Maximal thoughts of self
  • Maximal burdens of ministry
  • Maximal outbursts of anger (masked fear)

Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. (Acts 20:28)

7 Possible Solutions to a Troubled Soul:

1. Renew your mind with prolonged Scripture reading

I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. (Psalm 16:8-9).
So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day (2 Cor. 4:16)
 Stop holding God's word as a piece of literature. It is a loving God who is speaking to you personally.
2.  Pray with an unhurried heart
First, pray. Then pray without rushing through a list or a formula for praying. Let God speak to your heart. Allow yourself to sit quietly beside the still water. Stop your perpetual motion and sit with God and talk. He might have something to say to you if you stop long enough to listen.
3. Confess the hidden sins of your heart
"But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious" (1 Peter 3:4).
God is after your heart, your thoughts and your deepest desires. He will not be satisfied with anything else.
4. Live in true community with others and allow them to truly know you.
How many people actually know you—the private man, not the public man? Do they know about your finances, your marriage, your anger, and your sins?
We need others to help us in our battle against sin (Heb 3:12-13). Paul David Tripp said that Without a community, I will listen to my own lies and buy into my own delusions (Instruments in the Hands, p. 54).
5. Review your calling by God.
Os Guinness said, "Calling is the truth that God calls us to Himself so decisively that everything we are, everything we do, and everything we have is invested with a special devotion, [enthusiasm], and direction lived out as a response to His summons and service."[1] Guinness said, "The notion of calling is vital to each of us because it touches on the modern search for [personal] identity and an understanding of [two crucial questions: who am I? Why am I alive?]"
6. Review the goals and strategies you have for your life
You may have impossible goals or you may lack a practical strategy to fulfill them. Both of them need to be reviewed regularly. Pastors waste huge amounts of time that have NOTHING to do with their calling or objectives. View your life in terms of whole-life stewardship for the glory of God.
7.  Rest in God's grace, love and acceptance of you
You don't have to earn God's love and acceptance. Through the grace of God and the sacrifice of Jesus to impute to you His righteousness, you are a beloved son of God in whom God is well pleased. You can't earn more favor from God. He doesn't demand more than the substitutionary atonement of His Son Jesus Christ to declare you righteous.

The widow of this deceased pastor urged me to tell pastors to seek the help they need before it is too late. She said the pride of her husband didn't allow others to know about the chronic pain existent for years in his soul. But, she said, his pride, however, was merely fear he had all of his life. No one knew about his troubled soul—until it was too late.[1] Os Guinness, The Call (Nashville, TN: Word Publishing, 1998)


El Deleite de Dios en el Bien de Su Pueblo

The Dead Sea Scrolls at Google

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s Antiquities Authority is partnering with Google to bring the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls online.

The project will grant free access to the 2,000-year-old text — considered one of the greatest archaeological finds of the last century — by uploading high-resolution images. The first photographs are slated to be online within months.

The scrolls will be available in both original languages and in translation.

Antiquities official Pnina Shor said Tuesday this will ensure the originals are preserved while broadening access to the priceless artifact, which includes fragments of the Hebrew Bible.

Experts have complained only a small number of scholars were allowed access to the scrolls found in caves near the Dead Sea in the 1940s."


El Descubrimiento de América/12 de octubre de 1492

artehistoriacom | January 24, 2008 http://www.artehistoria.com/histesp/v...


La madrugada del 3 de agosto de 1.492 parte del puerto de Palos Cristóbal Colón al mando de tres naves y unos noventa hombres, con el objetivo de encontrar una ruta occidental hacia las Indias. Tras hacer escala en Canarias, ponen rumbo al Oeste.
Parten las tres naves, dos carabelas y una nao, con provisiones para un año. La Pinta era de Gómez Rascón y de Cristóbal Quintero, y no sabemos si fue incautada o alquilada, aunque sí que a éste "le pesaba ir a aquél viaje, al rompérsele el gobernalle". Fue una buena velera y su capitán, Pinzón, tendía siempre a adelantarse a las demás naves.

La Niña era de Moguer, propiedad de Juan Niño y llamada realmente Santa Clara, y fue sufragada por los paleños. Era quizás el barco de mejor condición marinera.
La Santa María, alias la Gallega, era de Juan de la Cosa, natural de Santoña pero vecino del Puerto de Santa María. Colón, quien la capitaneaba, la fletó aprovechando que estaba en Río Tinto en misión comercial. Era muy pesada y "no apta para el oficio de descubrir", en palabras del mismo Colón.

Los tres eran barcos bien aparejados, de construcción sobria y adecuado equipamiento. La marinería la componían personas de todo tipo y condición, a sueldo de la Corona. No eran personas de armas sino marineros, vestidos con un blusón de caperuza, un gorro de lana y descalzos. Van también oficiales reales, cirujanos, calafates, toneleros, cocineros, carpinteros, un escribano que debía levantar acta de las tierras descubiertas y un intérprete, Luis Torres, que hablaba árabe y hebreo

A las dos horas después de la media noche del 12 de octubre de 1492, por fin apareció la costa. Era una isla llamada Guanahaní. Con la luz de del día, bajaron a tierra Colón y algunos hombres. Enseguida Colón efectuó la ceremonia formal de la toma de posesión de la dicha isla en nombre del Rey y la Reina, sus señores. Aunque Colón no lo sabía, acababa de descubrir un Nuevo Mundo.


A solas con Dios – A. W. Tozer


“Subió pues Jesús a un monte, y se sentó allí con sus discípulos” – Juan 6:3

Justo antes de la milagrosa multiplicación de los panes y los peces, Jesús “subió a un monte y se sentó con sus discípulos” (6:3). Eso es digno de tomar nota. Parece obvio que Jesús se retiró a propósito de la gran muchedumbre que lo había estado siguiendo.
Hay ciertas cosas que tú y yo nunca aprenderemos cuando haya otros presentes. Creo en la Iglesia y amo el compañerismo de la asamblea. Hay mucho que podemos aprender cuando nos juntamos los domingos y nos sentamos con los santos. Pero hay ciertas cosas que tú y yo nunca vamos a aprender en presencia de otras personas.

Sin duda alguna parte de nuestro error hoy en día es la actividad religiosa que no es precedida por soledad e inactividad. Me refiero a estar solo con Dios y esperar en silencio y quietud hasta que seamos cargados con el Espíritu de Dios. Entonces, cuando actuamos, nuestra actividad realmente vale porque hemos sido preparados por Dios para hacerla…

Ahora, en el caso de nuestro Señor, la gente vino a Él, según Juan, y Él estaba listo para ellos. Había estado quieto y en silencio. Se había sentado con sus discípulos y meditado. Mirando hacia el Cielo, esperó hasta que el paréntesis completo de vida divina bajó del trono de Dios a Su propia alma. Era un violín afinado, una batería recargada. Estaba preparado para la gente, cuando ellos vinieron.

“Señor, voy a pasar mucho tiempo en compañía de gente hoy, pero ahora vengo en quietud y silencio a esperar que me llenes. Amén”

Traducido por: Makarena Vives en http://descubriendoelevangelio.es/


Business and Leadership Book List

SuperScholar recently listed their 50 Most Influential Books to have an impact on our culture over the last fifty years. Included among them were the following business related books noted for their effects on economic theories, government regulation and business culture:


Balancing Ministry and Family

Link: Balancing Ministry and Family http://sbcvoices.com/balancing-ministry-and-family/
by Matt Svoboda on April 29, 2009 at http://sbcvoices.com/