
La Vida Espiritual del Lider Cristiano 1 y 2

Part:1  Seminario Lider Cristiano por Dr.Gerhard Dutoit en la Iglesia ACM Peru

Nota: Comienza con una sección de oración hasta 18:35 min.


Part:2 Seminario Lider Cristiano por Dr.Gerhard Dutoit en la Iglesia ACM Peru

Nota: Tiene una sección de oración y alabanza 11:00 min. hasta 17:47 min.


El Punto De Vista Mundial Cristiano

Ministerio El Amor Que Vale por Dr. Adrian Rogers 

Internet Evangelism Resources:Free articles and MP3s

Free articles and MP3s For Christian newspapers, magazines and radio stations. We offer below a range of articles and MP3s about web evangelism. 
Link to sources: Internet Evangelism Resources

© Aug 2011 Internet Evangelism Day www.InternetEvangelismDay.com

The IE Day site offers a broad introduction to all types of online evangelism, and provides downloadable resources for churches to create their own web outreach awareness day. IE Daywas initiated by the Internet Evangelism Coalition.
Read more: http://www.InternetEvangelismDay.com/free-articles.php#ixzz1V8Lr22X3
at Internet Evangelism Day Under Creative Commons License: Attribution


The Shepherd Leader-Book

Interview with Tim Witmer
Link: SermonAudio.com - The Shepherd Leader by
Knowing The Truth Radio Program: Kevin Boling  |  Greenville, South Carolina